oracle immersion.


energy reflections

over 3 days

This experience is for the individual who is ready to stop feeling disconnected from their business, brand, life or relationship and ready to dissolve the excuses and make moves. 

You bring me the area of change you want to focus on and we’ll take you from disappointment and confusion to grounded, calm and clear in your pathway forwards.

We will channel any frustration or stuck energy into reimagining your desires, clearly naming what your desired outcome looks and feels like. During your live session on Day 2 we will reprogram your Subconscious Mind and Beliefs to ensure you feel connected, excited and trusting in your vision and ready to take action towards it.

You will leave with a strong sense of direction and an action plan to keep you accountable ensuring the gifts of your experience continue giving long after we close out our 3 days together.

This is a truly immersive experience engaging all your senses in one specific area of your choosing, Love, Life or Money 🪩

how we work together

Day 01

Pre-questions & activities will allow you to explore your current state of self in relation to your chosen area. As you move through pre-questions & activities you can take note of any limiting subconscious beliefs that present themselves. This exploration will prime your energy for the following day and our time together and allows me insight into your whole self, what does & doesn’t feel good.

Day 02

75 minute online session

In session we will reprogram your Subconscious Mind to align with your desired reality. Do not underestimate how powerful collapsing limiting beliefs can be. You will end the session having reprogrammed your biggest pressure points standing in your way.


Social media audit to see & reflect how you are presenting yourself out in the world. Identifying actions that you can take to increase your impact & build on your visual identity and how you see yourself. You will receive a voice message audit with specific areas of action to move into alignment.


Moodboard 6-10 images. You will receive a stunning visual representation of our time together and a reflection of the highest frequency vision of you I can see.


Following the Subconscious Reprogramming Session. You will receive fresh, new belief statements that we will create specifically for you. I will also prescribe a supportive guided meditation for your to include in your practice after our time together.

Day 03

One day of Voxer (voice messaging) integration to ask any further questions.

Meet your oracle

elaine so

I will reflect back the highest frequency vision I can see that is the next season in your life and hold you to it. I can see the whole picture of you, before you can.

You will experience having a Reflector go to work for you, in your corner who also has a specific desire to highlight beauty in the world through aesthetics.

an opportunity to be deeply seen & reflected. clarity, alignment & reprogramming.

let me see you

Oracle Immersion
One time

Access to your pre-questions & activities upon purchase completion.

Still have Questions?